I have a command with this signature

order:check {--order}


php artisan order:check --order 7


  Too many arguments, expected arguments "command".  

Why? I want that this command can either be executed as php artisan order:check or with an optional order id php artisan order:check --order X


The {--order} option (without an = sign) declares a switch option, which takes no arguments. If the switch option is present, its value equals true, and, when absent, false (--help is like a switch—no argument needed).

When we provide an argument on the command line for this option, the console framework cannot match the input to an option with an argument, so it throws the error as shown in the question.


protected $signature = 'order:check {--order=}'

Note the addition of the equal sign after --order. This tells the framework that the --order option requires an argument—the command will throw an exception if the user doesn't provide one.

如果我们希望命令接受选项with or without作为参数,我们可以使用类似的语法来提供默认值:

protected $signature = 'order:check {--order=7}'

...but this doesn't seem useful for this particular case.


$ php artisan order:check --order=7 
$ php artisan order:check --order 7 

...and then use the value of order in our command:

$orderNumber = $this->option('order');  // 7


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