I have created a service provider in my Laravel Application SettingsServiceProvider. This caches the settings table from the database.

$settings = $cache->remember('settings', 60, function() use ($settings)
        return $settings->pluck('value', 'name')->all();

config()->set('settings', $settings);

settings table:

enter image description here


{{ config('settings.sitename') }}  //returns Awesome Images

这在App\Http\Controllers中的任何Blade 文件或控制器上都工作得很好



'driver' => config('settings.maildriver'),
'host' => config('settings.mailhost'),

But I'm getting this error:

Missing argument 1 for Illuminate\Support\Manager::createDriver()


我已经创建了一个新的服务Provider MailServiceProvider来覆盖邮件中的设置.比如:


namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Config;

class MailServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Bootstrap the application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()

     * Register the application services.
     * @return void
    public function register()
        Config::set('mail.driver', config('settings.maildriver'));
        Config::set('mail.host', config('settings.mailhost'));
        Config::set('mail.port', config('settings.mailport'));
        Config::set('mail.encryption', config('settings.mailencryption'));
        Config::set('mail.username', config('settings.mailusername'));
        Config::set('mail.password', config('settings.mailpassword'));


But still I am getting the same error!!

Is there any way to override default mail configuration (in app/config/mail.php) on-the-fly (e.g. configuration is stored in database) before swiftmailer transport is created?


Struggled for 3 days with this issue finally I figured out a way to solve it.

首先,我创建了一个表mails,并用我的值填充它. 然后我创建了一个提供者MailConfigServiceProvider.php


namespace App\Providers;

use Config;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class MailConfigServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Bootstrap the application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()

     * Register the application services.
     * @return void
    public function register()
        if (\Schema::hasTable('mails')) {
            $mail = DB::table('mails')->first();
            if ($mail) //checking if table is not empty
                $config = array(
                    'driver'     => $mail->driver,
                    'host'       => $mail->host,
                    'port'       => $mail->port,
                    'from'       => array('address' => $mail->from_address, 'name' => $mail->from_name),
                    'encryption' => $mail->encryption,
                    'username'   => $mail->username,
                    'password'   => $mail->password,
                    'sendmail'   => '/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs',
                    'pretend'    => false,
                Config::set('mail', $config);

And then registered it in the config\app.php



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