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I have 2 routes in my route.php file. Both are working fine. No problem in that. I was learning route:clear and route:cache and found a small problem below.

if I comment any one route in my route.php file and then run below command

php artisan route:cache

This will keep the route disabled because the route list is in cache now. Now, go to route.php file and try to remove commented route and then try to run that enabled url. still it will show 404 because I need to remove cache by using below command

php artisan route:clear

So far everything is understood in localhost. No problem in that.

After deploying on shared hosting server on godaddy

Question : How can I remove the route cache on server?


If you want to remove the routes cache on your server, remove this file:


如果你想更新它,只需运行php artisan route:cache并将bootstrap/cache/routes.php上传到你的服务器.


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