我开发了一个应用程序,我计划与Angular 2和laravel进行实时对抗.例如,你按下"攻击"按钮,你的对手就会看到他的生命在实时下降.

My app built with:


Backend: PHP Laravel 5.2


  1. https://www.codetutorial.io/laravel-5-and-socket-io-tutorial/
  2. http://4dev.tech/2016/02/creating-a-live-auction-app-with-angular-2-node-js-and-socket-io/

The first tutorial is about how to use Laravel 5 and socket io.

The second one is how to use Angular 2 with NODS JS and socket io.

When I say real time, I mean that both users see the same thing that is happening on the screen)

My Backend and Frontend are totally divided and I have no setup with NodeJS anywhere in my app.

两个用户都需要在我的应用程序中看到战斗中发生的动作,它需要通过我的laravel API,并通过我的Angular 2 battle组件显示

My question is -

What's the best approach to real time app (seem websockets) using Angular2 and Laravel 5.2 to get the desired result of what I'm trying to achieve?



Laravel in this context is just templating and serving the client files, and acting as an interface inbetween the client and the socket.io server. It doesn't actually act as the socket.io server, and I don't believe it can.

So yes, you would still need something (node) to host the socket.io server to interact with the client, through PHP or otherwise. Personally, I'd skip Laravel/PHP altogether and just use node with koa/express/whatever to template your client (html/js/css/etc) files. Feels like an unnecessary abstraction to me.

下面socket.blade.php中的代码已经连接到了实际的socket.io服务器,所以我不明白为什么通过PHP/Laravel进行HTTP POST的额外开销是个好主意.也许是安全性,但你可以用实际的套接字来处理.io服务器也是如此.

var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:8890');
socket.on('message', function (data) {
    $( "#messages" ).append( "<p>"+data+"</p>" );


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