The thing is, my image is not directly present in my view

return view('version1');



I know using php commands in blade file is not efficient or good in any manner, but blade command is not working, but that's not my main problem here.


<img src='app_path()."/../resources/views/photos/logo.png"' alt="no logo">

I haven't learned fully the blade language, so for time being i am using php commands.


Edit: I've even tried to place the photo is the same folder as fronthead.blade.php and changed the src tag.

I've even tried giving a separate Route::Get() from fronthead.blade.php, but still the problem persists.


You should store your images, css and JS files in a public directory. To create a link to any of them, use asset() helper:

<img src="{{ asset('img/myimage.png') }}" alt="description of myimage">

作为替代方案,您可以使用惊人的Laravel Collective包来构建表单和HTML元素,因此您的代码如下所示:

{{ HTML::image('img/myimage.png', 'a picture') }}


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