
composer global require "laravel/installer"


I have also added this line to the .bashrc

export PATH="∼/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"

Note, i added this to both the vagrant user as well as the root users .bashrc file. I have logged out and back into the shell and verified the path with this command:

echo $PATH


∼/.编写者/供应商/bin:∼/.composer /vendor/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games

and the command itself that fails is this

laravel new test

我看不出我会错过什么,有什么 idea 吗?


It is better to use $HOME instead of just ~.

In my .zshrc(I use zsh) I have it working this way

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin"




我知道有些答案把$PATH放在composer 的路径之后,所以我想我可以告诉你我学到了什么,这就是区别.

这不是一件你可以随心所欲地随心所欲的事情.What you put after overwrites what comes before.如果您想要使用覆盖已在PATH中的路径中安装的任何内容的包,则需要知道这一点.

That means that if you have something installed on your system and you install a newer version of the package using composer, it will have the same command to start so if the composer path will not be after the system path, you'll have to reference the full path to the binary inside composer's vendor/bin to execute it.


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