
So my question is why should I use policy over middleware and vice versa


I'm currently going through a small refactor with my roles, permissions and routes and asked myself the same question.

At the surface level, it appears true middleware and policies perform the same general idea. Check if a user can do what they are doing.

For reference here's the laravel docs...



Of course, additional middleware can be written to perform a variety of tasks besides authentication. A CORS middleware might be responsible for adding the proper headers to all responses leaving your application. A logging middleware might log all incoming requests to your application.



If so, it goes to the controller method associated with that page. Interestingly enough, Middleware may say, "Yes you may go there, but I'll write down that you are going." Etc.



除了提供开箱即用的认证服务之外, Laravel还提供了一种简单的方法来组织授权逻辑和 控制对资源的访问.有多种方法和方法 帮助器来帮助您组织授权逻辑,并且 我们将在本文档中逐一介绍它们.



These questions seem fit for a controller method where all the calls to action on a resource are organized. Retrieve this object, store or update the article.

作为tjbb mentioned,中间件会使路由变得非常混乱和难以管理.这是我的路由文件中的一个示例:

The problem

    Route::group(['middleware' =>'role:person_type,person_type2',], function () {
        Route::get('download-thing/{thing}', [
             'as' => 'download-thing', 
             'uses' => 'ThingController@download'

This gets very hard to read in my route file!

Another approach with policies

public function download(Thing $thing)
    //Policy method and controller method match, no need to name it

    //download logic here....



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