I am developing a laravel application which has the following eloquent models

  • Product hasMany('App/Sku','products_id')
  • Sku belongTO('App/Product')


public function index()
    $products = Product::all();
    foreach($products as $product){
            $products_id = $product->products_id;

I am exposing RESTfull API which will allow my users to get all product details (including skus, shipping types etc..).

假设我有一个API GET : /products


public function index()
      $products = Product::all();
      foreach($products as $product){
          $products_id = $product->products_id;
          $skus_data = Product::find($products_id)->skus;
        // Now I have both the product details + skus which I can bundle into an array/json.

现在我的问题是,这个逻辑正确吗?在本例中,所有逻辑都在控制器中,因为IM使用Eloquent 的模型,我 for each 表都有一个模型,并且在其中定义了关系.有没有一种方法可以获得产品/相关型号的所有详细信息(产品详细信息(表1中)+SKU详细信息(表2中)),而不是使用以下内容

foreach($products as $product){
    $products_id = $product->products_id;
    $skus_data = Product::find($products_id)->skus;

I am pretty new to laravel development and eloquent models. I will be using repository pattern for the development and in that case where does the aboe logic (Product+Sku combining) resides.

Please help out.


Yes, you can get the details of the products and skus without making one additional query per product using eager loading ( this is referred as the typical N+1 query problem where N is the number of the products )



public function skus()
    return hasMany('App/Sku','products_id');

To fetch the products data along with the sku data you can use the with method. In your controller:


 $products = Product::with('skus')->get();

Then, in your views, you can get the info this way:


foreach ($products as $product) 
     //$product->skus is a collection of Sku models
     dd( $product->skus );



public function getProductsData() 
    //access eloquent from the repository
    return Product::with('skus')->get();    



//inject the repository in the controller
public function __construct( ProductRepository $productRepo )
    $this->productRepo = $productRepo;

//use the injected repository to get the data
public function index()
    $products = this->productRepo->getProductsData();





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