I'm building my first project in Laravel and trying to use Elixir, using homestead on Windows 8.1. I've hit the known npm/vagrant issue of too-long-path-names: https://harvsworld.com/2015/how-to-fix-npm-install-errors-on-vagrant-on-windows-because-the-paths-are-too-long/

So I made the one line edit recommended in that article (thank god for that guy), and then ran (with and without sudo): npm install --no-bin-links

It's moved me ahead so now I get two different kinds of errors: some 'Missing write access' errors, and a bunch of "EACCES" errors:


That brings me to this post, but the difference for me is there's no change even after I use sudo (or update my user permissions like so):

sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local


Update: then after the suggestion below I get EPROTO and EXTXTBSY errors (even after following the prompted suggestion to rename the npm-debug.log back: enter image description here

So I tried running gulp to see if it would give me clues, and error output had me do:

sudo npm rebuild node-sass

运行时出现相同的EPROTO和ETXTBSY错误,npm-debug.log文件显示: 错误事件:协议错误,符号链接‘../NODE-SASS/BIN/NODE-SASS’->‘/home/vagrant/Code/Family-laravel/node_modules/laravel-elixir/node_modules/gulp-sass/node_modules/.bin/node-sass’


  • sudo npm -g install npm@latest (fine)

  • sudo npm安装——没有bin链接(只有ETXTBSY错误和任务"sass"中插件"运行序列"中的错误)

  • SUDO NPM重建node-sass--no-bin-link(没有错误!)

  • gulp (只有一个错误:未找到:通知发送)



I have been trying to figure out this problem for weeks. Here is what I did to make it work without using my host environment:

I updated node to the latest version in homestead according to nodesource.com:

sudo apt-get install --yes nodejs
curl --silent --location https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_4.x | sudo bash -

我在homestead中将npm更新为最新版本.这应该在更新 node 后完成:

sudo npm -g install npm@latest

我在laravel项目目录中运行了npm install.我还必须强制安装所有依赖项:

sudo npm install --no-bin-links
sudo npm cache clear
sudo npm install --force --no-bin-links

我根据一个错误重新构建了 node sass:

sudo npm rebuild node-sass --no-bin-links

During this whole process if something fails or after each install, i used:

sudo npm cache clear

我的主机是windows 10,有最新的virtualbox、最新的vagrant、最新的homestead.我使用git-bash作为管理员,并使用git-bash将ssh转换为vagrant.

到目前为止,我只测试并确认我的gulp 起作用了.可能需要重新构建其他依赖项.




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