I have a model Role which belongs to many Users.

Class Role {
     public $fillable = ["name"];

     public function users()
          return $this->belongsToMany('App/Models/User')->select(['user_id']);

在角色中使用WITH QUERY检索用户时.我希望它只返回user_ids数组



     "name": "Role1",
     "users" : [1,2,3]
     "name": "Role2",
     "users" : [1,2,3]

Currently it gives following output

     "name": "Role1",
     "users" : [
           user_id : 1
           user_id : 2

           user_id : 3
     "name": "Role2",
     "users" : [
           user_id : 1
           user_id : 2

           user_id : 3


Personally, I wouldn't change the users() relationship, but maybe add an accessor for user IDs

class Role {
    protected $fillable = ["name"];

    // adding the appends value will call the accessor in the JSON response
    protected $appends = ['user_ids'];

    public function users()
         return $this->belongsToMany('App/Models/User');

    public function getUserIdsAttribute()
        return $this->users->pluck('user_id');

Then you still have a working relationship, but can access the user IDs as an array in the Role response. If that doesn't work for you, as mentioned by @Creator, you could probably just add ->pluck('id') in the relationship rather than the select()


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