I have been using XAMPP for quite a time, and after discovering Laravel and finding out, that I quite like it, I also wanted to use Homestead. The problem I'm having is, that I can't seem to be able to run multiple sites.

我try 过各种方法,但目前的主要问题是,当试图访问他们的网页时,一个项目可以工作,而所有其他项目都会获得连接超时.


  1. Installing VirtualBox
  2. Installing Vagrant
  3. Adding homestead with vagrant box add laravel/homestead
  4. 关闭存储库git clone https://github.com/laravel/homestead.git Homestead
  5. 创建家园.使用bash init.sh脚本在Homestead目录中创建yaml文件
  6. Create a new project laravel new projectA
  7. 需要宅地composer require laravel/homestead
  8. 生成文件php vendor/bin/homestead make
  9. Modify the Homestead.yaml to have an IP that ends with 10
  10. 创建另一个项目laravel new projectB
  11. 需要宅地composer require laravel/homestead
  12. 生成文件php vendor/bin/homestead make
  13. 修改Homestead.yaml,使其IP以11结尾
  14. Adding those two sites to the hosts file sudo nano /etc/hosts => xxx.xx.xx.10 projecta.app & xxx.xx.xx.11 projectb.app
  15. Starting vagrant from one of the two directories vagrant up

现在,我的问题是,只有一个项目是可访问的.总是我打vagrant up的那个.所以,如果我从项目A打vagrant up,我可以访问http://projecta.apphttp://projectb.app次.不幸的是,反过来也是如此.

This is my vagrant global-status

id       name    provider   state   directory                           
fc6fadb  default virtualbox running /Users/mknb/work/projectA

I thought I would just do another vagrant up from the projectB directory but that doesn't work of course.

我不想使用global Homestead,因为拉维尔说,安装per project台是可能的,那么我该如何实现呢?你需要更多信息吗?

I didn't modify the Homestead.yaml except of the IP and the domainname homestead.app => projecta.app

It seems like a global installation is fairly easy with Homestead, since I would just have to add more sites to the Homestead.yaml, but as I said I'd like to have a per project installation. Can anybody help?

Starting vagrant from the Homestead directory doesn't work of course.


By using Homestead in your way, you create a virtual machine for each projects. Therefore, the VirtualBox cannot forward the HTTP request from your host machine for all of virtual machine. You can only run one machine (so, one project) each time.


  • 克隆人家园git clone https://github.com/laravel/homestead.git Homestead
  • Inside the Homestead folder, run bash init.sh


    - map: ~/pj1
      to: /path/to/project1
    - map: ~/pj2
      to: /path/to/project2


    - map: project1.local
      to: /home/vagrant/pj1/public
    - map: project2.local
      to: /home/vagrant/pj2/public

Edit your hosts file to forward these domain fo localhost project1.local project2.local
  • 在克隆了其中的宅地代码的文件夹(其中包含init.sh文件)上运行vagrant up.



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