in Config/app.php in laravel source, what is the actual use of url ?

上面说应用程序URL将被artisan command line tool使用,那么它应该是什么呢?

I mean should it be or should it be /var/www/laravel/ or /var/www/laravel/public

Current Configuration

| Application URL
| This URL is used by the console to properly generate URLs when using
| the Artisan command line tool. You should set this to the root of
| your application so that it is used when running Artisan tasks.

'url' => 'http://localhost/',

Provided my application source is located at /var/www/ directory and laravel public folder is /var/www/laravel/public And the is pointed to resolve at /var/www/laravel/public directory

Use Case:

我将使用/app/Console/Kernel.php中的laravel schedular,它将调度periodic sendMail commands,然后将在数据库中对要发送的邮件进行排队,而queue listner将照常处理队列





$url = Request::url();
$path = Request::path();

However, artisan, commands, jobs, etc. don't have the benefit of this information. It is not a normal HTTP request coming in from the user, it is a PHP command being run from the command line. Because of this, Laravel needs a way to determine what the url of the application should be. This is where the configuration value comes in.

In your example, you plan on sending out emails from a queue. Imagine you need to include a link to a route of your website in one of the emails, so you use the UrlGenerator to get the url for the link (URL::route('')). Since this code is being run inside a command, and isn't related to any type of HTTP request, the base application url will be picked up from the configuration value you set in config/app.php.

As should hopefully be a little more clear now, the url value should be set to the http url for your application, not any type of directory path. In your example, it should be


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