I want to try out the guzzle library and am following through their quickstart tutorial to make http requests to an api.

Yet it doesn't seem to work, because I get the following error:

cURL error 3: <url> malformed

Since I have never worked with cURL before, I don't even know how to respond to that error message. Here is my code with the request I am making:

    $client = new Client();
    $client->get('/', ['verify' => true]);

    $response = $client->get('https://api.github.com/');


I am using the Laravel 5 framework and calling the index method in my HomeController. Also am using WAMP.

I would appreciate any help and suggestion, because I would like to try Guzzle out.

Here is a picture of the Error Message I get:

Laravel 5 Error Message


If you want to disable verification (don't do this!):

$response = $client->get('https://api.github.com/', ['verify' => false]);

与其完全禁用验证,还不如通过提供适当的CABundle 文件来解决这一问题.参见Guzzle文档中的verify.

    'C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\curl-ca-bundle.crt'


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