
The setup is Checklist has many ChecklistItems and the desired order of the related items exists as a property Checklist::$item_order. It is just an array of numeric ID's in the user's desired order. :

class Checklist extends Model {
    protected $casts = ['item_order' => 'array'];

    public function items() {
        return $this->hasMany(ChecklistItem::class);
class ChecklistItem extends Model {
    public function list() {
        return $this->belongsTo(Checklist::class);

I access this relationship the normal way:

$list = Checklist::find(1234);

foreach ($list->items as $item) {
    // More Code Here

Is there a feasible way to order $list->items based on the values in the $list->item_order array?




$order = $list->item_order;
$list->items->sortBy(function($model) use ($order){
    return array_search($model->getKey(), $order);


public function getSortedItemsAttribute() 
    if ( ! is_null($this->item_order)) {
        $order = $this->item_order;

        $list = $this->items->sortBy(function($model) use ($order){
            return array_search($model->getKey(), $order);
        return $list;
    return $this->items;


foreach ($list->sortedItems as $item) {
    // More Code Here

If you need this sort of functionality in multiple places I suggest you create your own Collection class:

class MyCollection extends Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {

    public function sortByIds(array $ids){
        return $this->sortBy(function($model) use ($ids){
            return array_search($model->getKey(), $ids);


public function newCollection(array $models = array())
    return new MyCollection($models);


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