我阅读了Dayle Rees的Code Bright篇文章,以了解更多关于拉威尔中使用的有说服力的Collection篇文章.我也做了一些其他的研究,但没有找到我想要的答案.

I want to insert an object (Model type object) into a Collection Object at a specific position.

For example:


Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection Object
    [0] => Attendance Object
        ([present_day] => 1)

    [1] => Attendance Object
        ([present_day] => 2)

    [2] => Attendance Object
        ([present_day] => 4) 

    [3] => Attendance Object
        ([present_day] => 5) 


As you can see above [present_day] have a values ranging from 1 to 5, but the value, 3 is missing in the sequence. Now, what I really want to do is, I want to explicitly put a new Attendance Object at the Collection Object's position of [2] index number/position, thus by pushing the rest of the Attendance Object. I am really struggling to do this right. How can I do this to make above collection object to look like something as below:

Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection Object
    [0] => Attendance Object
        ([present_day] => 1)

    [1] => Attendance Object
        ([present_day] => 2)

    [2] => Attendance Object    // This is where new object was added.
        ([present_day] => 3) 

    [4] => Attendance Object
        ([present_day] => 4) 

    [5] => Attendance Object
        ([present_day] => 5) 





To insert an item into a collection,refer to this answer; Answer



$collection->add($item);  // Laravel 4

$collection->push($item); // Laravel 5 

Then you can re或der the collection using the s或tBy method;

$collection = $collection->s或tBy(function($model){ return $model->present_day; });

This will re或der the collection by your present_day attribute.

Note that the above code will only w或k if you are using Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection. If you are using a plain Eloquent\Supp或t\Collection, there is no add method.

Instead, you can use an empty array offset, the same as inserting a new element in a n或mal array:

$collection[] = $item;

This f或m also w或ks on the Eloquent version of Collection.


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