I have setup Laravel and trying to run the artisan migrate command however I am getting the error below

[PDOException] SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused.

I am not sure how db is setup in Homestead. So I got the below questions.

  1. 默认数据库是由artisan migrate还是Homestead自动创建的?
  2. 如果是,它的名字是什么?
  3. 如果它不是默认创建的,我们应该在运行迁移之前创建它吗?

I tried logging in to MySQL db by connecting to Homestead VM using ssh and then running MySQL. However I get error Access denied for user.... for user name vagrant, Homestead and forge.

What is the default credentials? I understand that creating MySQL db is out of the scope of Laravel tutorial; So it would be helpful if anyone can answer these questions and point me in right direction.


Homestead附带了一个名为homestead的默认数据库.你的应用程序可以 Select 连接到该数据库,或者你必须手动创建一个新数据库.您可以使用GUI(比如Mac上的Sequel Pro),也可以通过Vagrant通过命令行执行.

// SSH into the box
vagrant ssh

// Connect to MySQL as the homestead user (password is: secret)
mysql -u homestead -p

// Create a new database in MySQL
CREATE DATABASE your_app_name;

// Leave MySQL

You can then migrate the database as usual, php artisan migrate.


// Connect to Postgres (password is: secret)
psql -U homestead -h localhost

// Create a new database in Postgres
CREATE DATABASE your_app_name;

// Leave Postgres



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