I am trying to send a email and show any errors if needed. The following code is sending a email and I am receiving it just fine. The issue though, is that when I do the check on the $sent var, it returns false for me.


$sent = Mail::send('emails.users.reset', compact('user', 'code'), function($m) use ($user)
    $m->to($user->email)->subject('Activate Your Account');

if( ! $sent)
    $errors = 'Failed to send password reset email, please try again.';


The Mail::send() method doesn't return anything.

You can use the Mail::failures() (introduced in 4.1 I think) method to get an array of failed recipients, in your code it would look something like this.

Mail::send('emails.users.reset', compact('user', 'code'), function($m) use ($user)
    $m->to($user->email)->subject('Activate Your Account');

if(count(Mail::failures()) > 0){
    $errors = 'Failed to send password reset email, please try again.';




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