有没有办法在Laravel 进行data次迁徙?

One possible solution is to query the database and update each record on a loop. The problem with this approach is that the models may not reflect the table schema during the migration (Django provides a solution for this).


Laravel has migrations built in :) http://laravel.com/docs/migrations

Simply run

php artisan make:migration migration_name_here

and it will create a migration under app/database/migrations. You could then use Laravel's database classes in your up() and down() methods.

Let's use this as an example...

class SplitColumn extends Migration {

     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::table('table_name', function($table)
            // Create new columns for table_name (1 column split into 2).

        // Get records from old column.
        $results = DB::table('table_name')->select('old_column')->get();

        // Loop through the results of the old column, split the values.
        // For example, let's say you have to explode a |.
        foreach($results as $result)
            $split_value = explode("|", $result->old_column);

            // Insert the split values into new columns.
                "new_column"    =>  $split_value[0],
                "new_column_b"  =>  $split_value[1]

        // Delete old column.
        Schema::table('table_name', function($table)

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()
        Schema::table('table_name', function($table)
            // Re-create the old column.

        // Get records from old column.
        $results = DB::table('table_name')->select('new_column', 'new_column_b')->get();

        // Loop through the results of the new columns and merge them.
        foreach($results as $result)
            $merged_value = implode("|", [$result->new_column, $result->new_column_b]);

            // Insert the split values into re-made old column.
                "old_column"    =>  $merged_value

        // Delete new columns.
        Schema::table('table_name', function($table)


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