I just started using Laravel. I've barely written any code yet, but my pages are taking nearly a second to load!

laravel timings

This is a bit shocking to me when my framework-less apps and NodeJS apps take ~2ms. What's Laravel doing? This isn't normal behaviour is it? Does it need some fine-tuning?



The problem was Vagrant/VirtualBox + shared folders. I didn't realize they incurred such a performance hit. I guess because Laravel has so many dependencies (loads ~280 files) and each of those file reads is slow, it adds up really quick.

kreeves pointed me in the right direction, this blog post describes a new feature in Vagrant 1.5 that lets you rsync your files into the VM rather than using a shared folder.



  data['vm']['synced_folder'].each do |i, folder|
    if folder['source'] != '' && folder['target'] != '' && folder['id'] != ''
      config.vm.synced_folder "#{folder['source']}", "#{folder['target']}", 
        id: "#{folder['id']}", 
        type: "rsync",
        rsync__auto: "true",
        rsync__exclude: ".hg/"

Once you're all set up, try vagrant up. If everything goes smoothly your machine should boot up and it should copy all the files over. You'll need to run vagrant rsync-auto in a terminal to keep the files up to date. You'll pay a little bit in latency, but for 30x faster page loads, it's worth it!


One more option is to use lsyncd. I've had great success using this on Ubuntu host -> FreeBSD guest. I haven't tried it on a Windows host yet.



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