I'm developing a Laravel 4 app that will make the same CRUD operations on my data set available through a JSON REST API and a Web UI. It seems that to prevent breaking the DRY principle that my UI should consume my own API by routing all requests from the UI back to the API. I'm unsure though about the best approach to making this work. Presumably I would have separate UI and API controllers and somehow route the requests through. Or should I be looking at a different approach altogether?


I'm actually tinkering with the same idea and it's pretty neat. With Laravel you do have the ability to make internal requests (some might refer to this as HMVC, but I won't). Here's the basics of an internal request.

$request = Request::create('/api/users/1', 'GET');

$response = Route::dispatch($request);



这个 idea 本身是可靠的.但规划API是一项艰巨的工作.我建议你写一个很好的列表,列出所有预期的端点,起草几个API版本,然后 Select 最好的一个.



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