在Laravel 4中,当处理the 4.2 docs中描述的多对多关系时,我如何让Laravel为我创建数据透视表?


All I've done so far is add the belongsToMany information to the two respective models, i.e.

class User extends Eloquent 
    public function roles()
         return $this->belongsToMany('Role');



It appears as though the pivot table does need to be created manually (i.e. Laravel does not do this automatically). Here's how to do it:

1.) Create a new migration, using singular table names in alphabetical order (default):

php artisan make:migration create_alpha_beta_table --create --table=alpha_beta


public function up()
    Schema::create('alpha_beta', function(Blueprint $table)

3.) Add the foreign key constraints, if desired. (I haven't gotten to that bit, yet).

Now to seed, say, the alpha table, using keys from beta, you can do the following in your AlphaTableSeeder:

public function run()

    Alpha::create( array( 
        'all'           =>  'all',
        'your'          =>  'your',
        'stuff'         =>  'stuff',
    ) )->beta()->attach( $idOfYourBeta );


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