基本上,我和这个家伙有同样的问题,减go 表前缀.因为我没有表前缀,所以他的修正不起作用.http://forums.laravel.com/viewtopic.php?id=972

I am trying to build a table using Laravel's Schema Builder like this:

Schema::create('lessons', function($table)

Schema::create('tutorials', function($table)

Schema::table('tutorials', function($table)

The issue is, when I run this code (in a /setup route), I get the following error:

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1005 Can't create table 'tutorials.#sql-2cff_da' (errno: 150)

SQL: ALTER TABLE `tutorials` ADD CONSTRAINT tutorials_author_foreign FOREIGN KEY (`author`) REFERENCES `users` (`id`)

Bindings: array (

Based on posts around the web and the limited documentation available on how to setup Laravel's Eloquent relationships, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong...

users已经存在,它does有一个id字段,即auto_increment.我也在用正确的关系(belongs_tohas_many)建立模型,但据我所知,这不是问题所在——这是数据库设置.DB is InnoDB.

What exactly am I doing wrong with the foreign key?


I'm not 100% sure if these are the reasons this is failing but a couple of pointers. If you're using an older version of mySQL as the database, the default table implementation is myISAM that does not support foreign key restraints. As your scripts are failing on the foreign key assignment, you are better off explicitly stating that you want INNODB as the engine using this syntax in Schema's create method.

Schema::create('lessons', function($table)
    $table->engine = 'InnoDB';


This should hopefully alleviate the problems you are having.


Schema::create('tutorials', function($table)
    $table->engine = 'InnoDB';



Hope this helps / solves your problem.


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