The lack of reified generics in Scala is the thing that bugs me the most about the language, since simple things cannot be implemented without using complicated constructs.

Both Kotlin and Ceylon supports reified generics so its definitely possible to do so on top of the JVM. In the past it was said that Scala could not support them without a change in the JVM, but now Scala 2.10 is rumored to have limited support for reification. So my question is:

  • What can we expect for reification in Scala 2.10, will I for example be able to implement a generic trait multiple times ?. Just how limited is it ?
  • 如果Scala 2.10的materialized 结果比KotlinCeylon更有限.为什么?


你的论点有缺陷.Kotlin还没有发布*,锡兰刚刚发布了它的第一个版本,我将引用它在《their announcement》中缺失的一点:

  • 具体化的仿制药

So, excuse me, but what implementation proves it is possible? In fact, I haven't looked much at what Kotlin is promising, but what Ceylon is promising is just what manifests already provide, but in a transparent manner.

But let's consider the problem you described in your question:

trait Handles[E <: Event] {
  def handle(event: E)


abstract class Handles[E <: Event : Manifest] {
  def handle(event: E)

Next, let's see the method handle. Again, JVM provides no way of using type parameters in a method definition. The only way to implement that is to have handle accept Object as parameter: ie, type erasure.

And here's the deal: to make handle callable from Java, it must be type erased. And, if it is type erased, then it is subject to the limitation described in your question. The only way to get around that is to drop Java compatibility (which, by the way, is not available in Ceylon's first release either).

是的,根据马丁·奥德斯基(Martin Odersky)的说法,Scala将在2.10上进行materialized (某种形式).但无论它提供什么(我打赌更透明地使用 list 来声明类型平等),这个特定的限制是JVM固有的,如果不放弃Java集成,就无法克服.

(*) Kotlin has a demo out now, and its reification -- so far -- is just a syntactic sugar for bundling manifests and instanceOf tests. It's still subject to all the same limitations Scala is.


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