我对内存泄漏以及导致内存泄漏的原因有基本的了解.这就是为什么我不明白我的代码中是否有问题,或者是误报.我不知道该分享哪部分代码,因为这个项目并不小.但是请在 comments 中告诉我,我会添加所需的代码.

I use navigation arch component and follow MVVM pattern. I added LeakCanary library later in the development of project and it immediately started to give me warnings about retained instances when I navigate between screens.

The problem occurs when I add fragments to the back stack. With each added fragment to the back stack the counter of retained instances increases. When it reaches the threshold value of 5 LeakCanary dumps the heap and provides report.

But if I click on back button and return to previous screens then counter of retained instances decreases and eventually, when returned to 1st screen all retained instances disappear.

If I look at heap analysis reports it says that the variable coordinatorLayout which is a reference to the CoordinatorLayout in xml has leaked. If I remove the variable and all of its usage and run the app again I see the same problem, but now with another variable that is a reference to another view in xml. I tried to remove all of the views and their usage that LeakCanary reported as leaking. When it said that a TextView, which is just used to set a text in onViewCreated and not used anywhere else, is leaking I started to doubt that there is a problem in my code.





根据Fragments: Past, Present, and Future talk,碎片future 的变化之一是 Select 加入选项,以销毁后堆栈上的碎片,而不是有两个单独的生命周期.目前还没有.

You have to null out your references to the views in onDestroyView as that's the sign that the view is no longer being used by the Fragment system and it can be safely garbage collected if it wasn't for your continued reference to the View.



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