I have Kotlin interface

interface FileSystem {
    suspend fun getName(path: Path): List<String>

How I can call it from Java? What is

Continuation <? super List<String>>

enter image description here


Kotlin implements coroutines using a mix of the regular stack-based calling convention and the continuation-passing style (CPS). To achieve that, it performs a CPS transformation on all suspend funs by adding an implicit parameter, an object you can use to continue the program from the place where the function was called. That's how Kotlin manages to pull off the trick to suspend the execution within your function's body: it extracts the continuation object, saves it somewhere, and then makes your function return (without yet having produced its value). Later on it can achieve the effect of jumping into the middle of your function body by invoking the continuation object.

延续基本上是一个回调对象,就像异步JavaAPI中熟悉的对象一样.可挂起函数将其结果传递给Continue,而不是返回其结果.要从java调用suspend fun,您必须创建这样的回调.下面是一个示例:

Continuation<List<String>> myCont = new Continuation<List<String>>() {
    @Override public void resume(List<String> result) {
        System.out.println("Result of getName is " + result);
    @Override public void resumeWithException(Throwable throwable) {
    @NotNull @Override public CoroutineContext getContext() {
        return Unconfined.INSTANCE;

NOTE: The above works only with experimental coroutines. In the final API there's just one resumption method: resumeWith(result: Result<T>) where Result is a discriminated union of the result type and the internal class Failure, which makes it inaccessible from Java.


class MockFs : FileSystem {
    override suspend fun getName(path: Path): List<String> {
        suspendCoroutine<Unit> {
            println("getName suspended")
        println("getName resumed")
        return listOf("usr", "opt")

Now we're ready to call it from Java:

Object result = new MockFs().getName(Paths.get(""), myCont);
System.out.println("getName returned " + result);


getName suspended
getName returned


Let us now improve MockFs so we can get access to the continuation:

class MockFs : FileSystem {
    var continuation : Continuation<Unit>? = null

    override suspend fun getName(path: Path): List<String> {
        suspendCoroutine<Unit> {
            continuation = it
            println("getName suspended")
        println("getName resumed")
        return listOf("usr", "opt")

Now we'll be able to manually resume the continuation. We can use this code:

MockFs mockFs = new MockFs();
mockFs.getName(Paths.get(""), myCont);


getName suspended
getName resumed
Result of getName is [usr, opt]

In real life a suspendable function will use some mechanism to get itself resumed when the result becomes available. For example, if it's a wrapper around some async API call, it will register a callback. When the async API invokes the callback, it will in turn invoke our continuation. You shouldn't need to manually resume it like we did in our mock code.

Asuspend fun还可以 Select 直接返回其结果.例如,使用这个MockFs代码

class MockFs : FileSystem {
    override suspend fun getName(path: Path) = listOf("usr", "opt") 


System.out.println(new MockFs().getName(Paths.get(""), myCont));

and it will print [usr, opt]. We could even have passed in an empty implementation of Continuation.

The most demanding case happens when you don't know in advance whether the function will suspend itself or not. In such a case a good approach is to write the following at the call site:

Object retVal = mockFs.getName(Paths.get(""), myCont);
if (retVal != IntrinsicsKt.getCOROUTINE_SUSPENDED()) {
    myCont.resume((List<String>) retVal);






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