In Kotlin, it warns you when calling an abstract function in a constructor, citing the following problematic code:

abstract class Base {
    var code = calculate()
    abstract fun calculate(): Int

class Derived(private val x: Int) : Base() {
    override fun calculate(): Int = x

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val i = Derived(42).code // Expected: 42, actual: 0

And the output makes sense because when calculate is called, x hasn't been initialized yet.

This is something I had never considered when writing java, as I have used this pattern without any issues:

class Base {

    private int area;

    Base(Room room) {
        area = extractArea(room);

    abstract int extractArea(Room room);

class Derived_A extends Base {

    Derived_A(Room room) {

    public int extractArea(Room room) {
        // Extract area A from room

class Derived_B extends Base {

    Derived_B(Room room) {

    public int extractArea(Room room) {
        // Extract area B from room

And this has worked fine because the overriden extractArea functions don't rely on any uninitialized data, but they are unique to each respective derived class (hence the need to be abstract). This also works in kotlin, but it still gives the warning.


A potential solution is to move the line area = extractArea() to each derived constructor, but this doesn't seem ideal since it's just repeated code that should be part of the super class.


The initialization order of a derived class is described in the language reference: Derived class initialization order, and the section also explains why it is a bad (and potentially dangerous) practice to use an open member in initialization logic of your class.

基本上,在超级类构造函数(包括其属性初始值设定项和init个块)执行时,派生类构造函数尚未运行.但是被重写的成员即使在从超类构造函数调用时也会保留其逻辑.这可能会导致从超级构造函数调用依赖于某个特定于派生类的状态的重写成员,这可能会导致错误或运行时失败.这也是在Kotlin 可以拿到NullPointerException分的情况之一.


open class Base {
    open val size: Int = 0
    init { println("size = $size") }

class Derived : Base() {
    val items = mutableListOf(1, 2, 3)
    override val size: Int get() = items.size

(runnable sample)



正如@Bob Dagleish正确指出的,您可以将lazy initialization用于code属性:

val code by lazy { calculate() }

But then you need to be careful and not use code anywhere else in the base class construction logic.


abstract class Base(var code: Int) {
    abstract fun calculate(): Int

class Derived(private val x: Int) : Base(calculateFromX(x)) {
    override fun calculate(): Int = 

    companion object {
        fun calculateFromX(x: Int) = x

This, however, complicates the code of the derived classes in cases when the same logic is used both in overridden members and for calculating the values passed to the super constructor.


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