Just curious: In Kotlin, I would love to get some val that can be initialized by lazy, but with a parameter. That's because I need something that's created very late in order to initialize it.

Specifically, I wish I had:

private lateinit val controlObj:SomeView


private val controlObj:SomeView by lazy { view:View->view.findViewById(...)}

and then:

override fun onCreateView(....) {
    val view = inflate(....)

    controlObj = view.findViewById(...)

or in the 2nd case controlObj.initWith(view) or something like that:

return view

我不能使用by lazy,因为by lazy不接受初始化时使用的外部参数.在本例中,包含view的.

Of course I have lateinit var but it would be nice if I could make sure it becomes read only after setting and I could do it in one line.

有没有一种非常干净的方法来创建一个只读变量,该变量只初始化一次,但只有在生成其他变量时才初始化?有init once个关键词吗?在初始化之后,编译器知道它是不可变的?

I am aware of the potential concurrency issues here but if I dare to access it before init, I surely deserve to be thrown美元.


You can implement own delegate like this:

class InitOnceProperty<T> : ReadWriteProperty<Any, T> {

    private object EMPTY

    private var value: Any? = EMPTY

    override fun getValue(thisRef: Any, property: KProperty<*>): T {
        if (value == EMPTY) {
            throw IllegalStateException("Value isn't initialized")
        } else {
            return value as T

    override fun setValue(thisRef: Any, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
        if (this.value != EMPTY) {
            throw IllegalStateException("Value is initialized")
        this.value = value


inline fun <reified T> initOnce(): ReadWriteProperty<Any, T> = InitOnceProperty()

class Test {

     var property: String by initOnce()

     fun readValueFailure() {
         val data = property //Value isn't initialized, exception is thrown

     fun writeValueTwice() {
         property = "Test1" 
         property = "Test2" //Exception is thrown, value already initalized

     fun readWriteCorrect() {
         property = "Test" 
         val data1 = property
         val data2 = property //Exception isn't thrown, everything is correct


In case when you try to access value before it is initialized you will get exception as well as when you try to reassign new value.






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