In my activity I have a field that should be non-nullable and has a custom setter. I want to initialize the field in my onCreate method so I added lateinit to my variable declaration. But, apparently you cannot do that (at the moment):

These are the workarounds I can see:

  • Do it the Java way. Make the field nullable and initialize it with null. I don't want to do that.
  • 使用该类型的"默认实例"初始化该字段.我现在就是这么做的.但对某些型号来说太贵了.



Replace it with a property backed by nullable property:

private var _tmp: String? = null
var tmp: String
    get() = _tmp!!
    set(value) {_tmp=value; println("tmp set to $value")}


private var _tmp: String? = null
var tmp: String
    get() = _tmp ?: throw UninitializedPropertyAccessException("\"tmp\" was queried before being initialized")
    set(value) {_tmp=value; println("tmp set to $value")}



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