我读过this question篇,但我有一个关于crossinline关键词的更基本的问题.我真的不确定它解决了什么问题,以及它是如何解决的.

From the Kotlin Docs,

Note that some inline functions may call the lambdas passed to them as parameters not directly from the function body, but from another execution context, such as a local object or a nested function. In such cases, non-local control flow is also not allowed in the lambdas. To indicate that, the lambda parameter needs to be marked with the crossinline modifier:

[Emphasis added]

This statement is ambiguous to me. First, I am having trouble actually picturing what is meant by "such cases". I have a general idea of what the issue is but can't come up with a good example of it.

第二,短语"表明",可以有多种解读方式.表明什么?a particular case美元是不允许的?这是允许的吗?给定函数定义中的非局部控制流是(或不)允许的?



首先,我很难真正理解"此类 case "的含义.我对这个问题有一个大致的了解,但不能给出一个很好的例子.


interface SomeInterface {
    fun someFunction(): Unit

inline fun someInterfaceBy(f: () -> Unit): SomeInterface { 
    return object : SomeInterface {
        override fun someFunction() = f() 
        //                            ^^^
        // Error: Can't inline 'f' here: it may contain non-local returns. 
        // Add 'crossinline' modifier to parameter declaration 'f'.

Here, the function that is passed to someInterfaceBy { ... } is inlined inside an anonymous class implementing SomeInterface. Compilation of each call-site of someInterfaceBy produces a new class with a different implementation of someFunction().

To see what could go wrong, consider a call of someInterfaceBy { ... }:

fun foo() {
    val i = someInterfaceBy { return }
    // do something with `i`

在内联lambda中,是return is non-local,实际上是return from 101.但是,由于lambda没有被调用并且泄漏到对象ireturn from 101中,因此可能是完全没有意义的:如果在foo已经返回之后或者甚至在不同的线程中调用i.someFunction()(从而也是lambda),该怎么办?

一般来说,'such cases'指的是inline个函数,它们调用的函数参数不是在它们自己的主体中(实际上,也就是说,考虑到其他内联函数),而是在它们声明的一些其他函数中,比如在非内联lambda和匿名对象中.

Second, the phrase "To indicate that," can be read multiple ways. To indicate what? That a particular case is not allowed? That it is allowed? That non-local control flow in a given function definition is (or is not) allowed?










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