For example, we have this parent:

open class Parent(val id: Int, val name: String?) {
    constructor() : this(-1, null)

And a child, which must have both a two-param constructor and an empty constructor, like the parent:

class Child(id: Int, name: String?) : Parent(id, name) {
    constructor() : super() // syntax error


I am aware that I can implement a child constructor passing in the same values as the parent, but this not only seems redundant but also often times my childs have extra parameters for its primary constructor, but don't require intermediary constructors (constructors with params that don't include all the extra params). Here's an example child implementing it that way, in case I wasn't clear:

class Child(id: Int, name: String?) : Parent(id, name) {
    constructor() : this(-1, null) // no syntax error, but redundant


实现这一点的最好方法是imho为您的构造函数使用default parameters.

class Child(id: Int = -1, name: String? = null) : Parent(id, name)

Depending on how much influence you've got on the Parent class, maybe even

class Parent(val id: Int = -1, val name: String? = null)

This has one "drawback", though: you'll technically get three different constructors. But I can't see how this could be a problem, since you have to handle the id=-1 and name=null cases anyway.

Additionally, I don't think your solution

class Child(id: Int, name: String?) : Parent(id, name) {
    constructor() : this(-1, null) 

is bad, or "redundant" in any way - on the contrary: it's highly expressive and explicit, so the reader knows exactly what your intention was.






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