我想要检测我的类的属性的任何值的更改,这样我就可以在那之后执行另一个操作.换言之,如果属性特定数据之一发生更改,则届时将触发特定事件.实际上,如果它是另一种编程语言(如Java)中的普通类,那么我认为可以在数据修改后使用setter来完成这项工作,或者使用C#中的委托.但是由于Kotlin是非常新的,我根本找不到任何解决方案. 我曾试图使房产超载,但碰巧没有成功.我也想用接口来实现这一点,但是由于它是数据类,我不知道该怎么做.

Below is the sample class. In such situation, how to detect when Age or name is changed?

data class Person(var Name: String, var Age: Int) 

So please if anyone have any ideas about this, please help.

Note: in my situation, data class must be used.





data class Person(private var _name: String, private var _age: Int) {

    var name = _name
        set(value) {
            println("Name changed from $name to $value")
            field = value // sets the backing field for `name`
            _name = value // sets the `_name` property declared in the primary ctor

    var age = _age
        set(value) {
            println("Age changed from $age to $value")
            field = value
            _age = value


Same idea, with Delegates.observable, which does some of the work for you, here your only overhead is setting the properties declared in the constructor to the new values:

data class Person(private var _name: String, private var _age: Int) {

    var name: String by Delegates.observable(_name) { prop, old, new ->
        println("Name changed from $old to $new")
        _name = new

    var age: Int by Delegates.observable(_age) { prop, old, new ->
        println("Age changed from $old to $new")
        _age = new


Usage of either of these looks like this (the toString will look a bit ugly with the underscores):

val sally = Person("Sally", 50)
println(sally)      // Person(_name=Sally, _age=50)
sally.age = 51      // Age changed from 50 to 51
println(sally)      // Person(_name=Sally, _age=51)
println(sally.name) // Sally
println(sally.age)  // 51

Edit to answer the question below:

If you didn't need your class to be a data class, the following would probably be the simplest solution:

class Person(name: String, age: Int) {

    var name: String by Delegates.observable(name) { _, old, new ->
        println("Name changed from $old to $new")

    var age: Int by Delegates.observable(age) { _, old, new ->
        println("Age changed from $old to $new")


这样,您仍然有一个以名称和年龄为参数的构造函数,但它们被分配给类主体内的属性.对于数据类,这是不可能的,因为数据类的每个构造函数参数也必须是属性(标记为valvar).有关更多信息,请参阅关于constructorspropertiesdata classes的文档.


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