Please tell me, is there any difference (in terms of Java) in this examples:

  1. object DefaultValues {
        val FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD = 100

    class DefaultValues {
        companion object {
            val FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD = 100
  2. 没有类或对象包装器:

    const val DEFAULT_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD = 100


What is the true way to define?:

public static final int FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD = 100


You can use Kotlin bytecode viewer to find out what these options are compiled to.

With Kotlin 1.0.2 the compiled bytecode shows that

  1. objectcompanion object中的val属性被编译为类内的private static final字段:

     // access flags 0x1A
     private final static I FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD = 100


     // access flags 0x1019
     public final static synthetic access$getFILES_TO_DOWNLOAD$cp()I


  2. Non-const top level property is compiled to the same to (1) with only difference that the field and getter are placed inside FilenameKt class now.

    但是顶级const val被编译成public static final字段:

    // access flags 0x19
    public final static I DEFAULT_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD = 100

    The same public static final field will be produced when a const val is declared inside an object. Also, you can achieve the same resulting bytecode if you add @JvmField annotation to the properties declared in (1).

Concluding that, you can define public static final field using const or @JvmField either in an object or at top level.



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