
    public class Singleton {
        private static volatile Singleton instance;

        public static Singleton getInstance(String arg) {
        Singleton localInstance = instance;
        if (localInstance == null) {
            synchronized (Singleton.class) {
                localInstance = instance;
                if (localInstance == null) {
                    instance = localInstance = new Singleton(arg);
        return localInstance;


About object

object A {
    object B {}
    object C {}
    init {

I used kotlin decompiler to get that

public final class A {
   public static final A INSTANCE;

   private A() {
      INSTANCE = (A)this;
   static {
      new A();

   public static final class B {
      public static final A.B INSTANCE;
      private B() {
         INSTANCE = (A.B)this;
      static {
         new A.B();

   public static final class C {
      public static final A.C INSTANCE;
      private C() {
         INSTANCE = (A.C)this;
      static {
         new A.C();

All of object have constructor invoke in static block. Based on it, we can think that it's not lazy.


    class Singleton {
        companion object {
            val instance: Singleton by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.PUBLICATION) { Singleton() }


public static final class Companion {
      // $FF: synthetic field
      private static final KProperty[] $$delegatedProperties = new KProperty[]{(KProperty)Reflection.property1(new PropertyReference1Impl(Reflection.getOrCreateKotlinClass(Singleton.Companion.class), "instance", "getInstance()Lru/example/project/tech/Singleton;"))};

      public final Singleton getInstance() {
         Lazy var1 = Singleton.instance$delegate;
         KProperty var3 = $$delegatedProperties[0];
         return (Singleton)var1.getValue();

      private Companion() {

      // $FF: synthetic method
      public Companion(DefaultConstructorMarker $constructor_marker) {

I hope Kotlin developers will make non reflection implementation in future...


Kotlin有与您的Java代码等效的代码,但更安全.您的double lock check不建议是even for Java.在Java中,您应该使用inner class on the static,这在Initialization-on-demand holder idiom中也有解释.

But that's Java. In Kotlin, simply use an object (and optionally a lazy delegate):

object Singletons {
    val something: OfMyType by lazy() { ... }

    val somethingLazyButLessSo: OtherType = OtherType()
    val moreLazies: FancyType by lazy() { ... }

You can then access any member variable:

// Singletons is lazy instantiated now, then something is lazy instantiated after.  
val thing = Singletons.something // This is Doubly Lazy!

// this one is already loaded due to previous line
val eager = Singletons.somethingLazyButLessSo

// and Singletons.moreLazies isn't loaded yet until first access...



因此,您可以延迟加载Singletons个对象(on first access of instance),然后延迟加载something个对象(on first access of member),并且在对象构造方面具有完全的灵活性.

See also:

As a side note, look at object registry type libraries for Kotlin that are similar to dependency injection, giving you singletons with injection options:






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