Suppose I have a generic class and I need a 2D array of generic type T. If I try the following

class Matrix<T>(width: Int, height: Int) {
    val data: Array<Array<T>> = Array(width, arrayOfNulls<T>(height))

the compiler will throw an error saying "Cannot use 'T' as reified type parameter. Use a class instead.".


Just because the syntax has moved on a bit, here's my take on it:

class Array2D<T> (val xSize: Int, val ySize: Int, val array: Array<Array<T>>) {

    companion object {

        inline operator fun <reified T> invoke() = Array2D(0, 0, Array(0, { emptyArray<T>() }))

        inline operator fun <reified T> invoke(xWidth: Int, yWidth: Int) =
            Array2D(xWidth, yWidth, Array(xWidth, { arrayOfNulls<T>(yWidth) }))

        inline operator fun <reified T> invoke(xWidth: Int, yWidth: Int, operator: (Int, Int) -> (T)): Array2D<T> {
            val array = Array(xWidth, {
                val x = it
                Array(yWidth, {operator(x, it)})})
            return Array2D(xWidth, yWidth, array)

    operator fun get(x: Int, y: Int): T {
        return array[x][y]

    operator fun set(x: Int, y: Int, t: T) {
        array[x][y] = t

    inline fun forEach(operation: (T) -> Unit) {
        array.forEach { it.forEach { operation.invoke(it) } }

    inline fun forEachIndexed(operation: (x: Int, y: Int, T) -> Unit) {
        array.forEachIndexed { x, p -> p.forEachIndexed { y, t -> operation.invoke(x, y, t) } }

This also allows you to create 2d arrays in a similar manner to 1d arrays, e.g. something like

val array2D = Array2D<String>(5, 5) { x, y -> "$x $y" }


val xy = array2D[1, 2]


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