
  1. 使用大约JavaScript个库(例如jQuery个库)制定Ajax调用,在Django中设置一个URL模式,捕捉调用并将其传递给视图函数

  2. in the Python view function retrieve the objects you are interested in and send them back to the client in JSON format or similar (by using the built in serializer module, or simplejson)

  3. 在JavaScript中定义一个回调函数,用于接收JSON数据并对其进行解析,以便创建需要显示的任何HTML.最后,JavaScript脚本将HTML放在它应该停留的地方.

Now, what I still don't get is how are Django templates related to all of this? Apparently, we're not making use of the power of templates at all. Ideally, I thought it'd be nice to pass back a JSON object and a template name, so that the data could be iterated over and an HTML block is created. But maybe I'm totally wrong here...

The only resource I found that goes in this direction is this snippet (769) but I haven't tried it yet. Obviously, what's going to happen in this case is that all the resulting HTML is created on the server side, then passed to the client. The JavaScript-callback function only has to display it in the right place.

Does this cause performance problems? If not, even without using the snippet above, why not formatting the HTML directly in the backend using Python instead of the front-end?


UPDATE: please use 100 because it is an enhanced version of the one above!我发现继承支持以这种方式工作要好得多.


Hey thanks vikingosegundo!

I like using decorators too :-). But in the meanwhile I've been following the approach suggested by the snippet I was mentioning above. Only thing, use instead the snippet n. 942 cause it's an improved version of the original one. Here's how it works:


    <div id="results">          
        {% block results %}
            {% for el in items %}
            {% endfor %}
        {% endblock %}      
    </div><br />


from django.template import loader
# downloaded from djangosnippets.com[942]
from my_project.snippets.template import render_block_to_string

def ajax_view(request):
    # some random context
    context = Context({'items': range(100)})
    # passing the template_name + block_name + context
    return_str = render_block_to_string('standard/subtemplate.html', 'results', context)
    return HttpResponse(return_str)







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