I want to convert a JSON file I created to a SQLite database.

My intention is to decide later which data container and entry point is best, json (data entry via text editor) or SQLite (data entry via spreadsheet-like GUIs like SQLiteStudio).


"2011-12-17 16:00": {
    "local": "Av. Protásio Alves; esquina Ramiro Barcelos",
    "coord": "-30.036916,-51.208093",
    "sentido": "bairro-centro",
    "veiculos": "automotores",
    "modalidade": "semaforo 50-15",
    "regime": "típico",
    "pistas": "2+c",
    "medicoes": [
        [32, 50],
        [40, 50],
        [29, 50],
        [32, 50],
        [35, 50]
"2011-12-19 08:38": {
    "local": "R. Fernandes Vieira; esquina Protásio Alves",
    "coord": "-30.035535,-51.211079",
    "sentido": "único",
    "veiculos": "automotores",
    "modalidade": "semáforo 30-70",
    "regime": "típico",
    "pistas": "3",
    "medicoes": [
        [23, 30],
        [32, 30],
        [33, 30],
        [32, 30]

And I have created nice database with a one-to-many relation with these lines of Python code:

import sqlite3

db = sqlite3.connect("fluxos.sqlite")
c = db.cursor()

c.execute('''create table medicoes
         (timestamp text primary key,
          local text,
          coord text,
          sentido text,
          veiculos text,
          modalidade text,
          pistas text)''')

c.execute('''create table valores
         (id integer primary key,
          quantidade integer,
          tempo integer,
          foreign key (id) references medicoes(timestamp))''')

但问题是,当我准备插入实际数据为c.execute("insert into medicoes values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" % keys)的行时,我意识到,由于从JSON文件加载的dict没有特殊顺序,它无法正确映射到数据库的列顺序.


I have a fair experience with Python, but am just beginning with SQL, so I would like to have some counseling about good practices, and not necessarily a ready recipe.


You have this python code:

c.execute("insert into medicoes values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" % keys)

which I think should be

c.execute("insert into medicoes values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", keys)

因为% operator期望其左边的字符串包含格式化代码.

Now all you need to make this work is for keys to be a tuple (or list) containing the values for the new row of the medicoes table in the correct order. Consider the following python code:

import json

traffic = json.load(open('xxx.json'))

columns = ['local', 'coord', 'sentido', 'veiculos', 'modalidade', 'pistas']
for timestamp, data in traffic.iteritems():
    keys = (timestamp,) + tuple(data[c] for c in columns)
    print str(keys)


(u'2011-12-19 08:38', u'R. Fernandes Vieira; esquina Prot\xe1sio Alves', u'-30.035535,-51.211079', u'\xfanico', u'automotores', u'sem\xe1foro 30-70', u'3')
(u'2011-12-17 16:00', u'Av. Prot\xe1sio Alves; esquina Ramiro Barcelos', u'-30.036916,-51.208093', u'bairro-centro', u'automotores', u'semaforo 50-15', u'2+c')

which would seem to be the tuples you require.

You could add the necessary sqlite code with something like this:

import json
import sqlite3

traffic = json.load(open('xxx.json'))
db = sqlite3.connect("fluxos.sqlite")

query = "insert into medicoes values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
columns = ['local', 'coord', 'sentido', 'veiculos', 'modalidade', 'pistas']
for timestamp, data in traffic.iteritems():
    keys = (timestamp,) + tuple(data[c] for c in columns)
    c = db.cursor()
    c.execute(query, keys)


import json

traffic = json.load(open('xxx.json'))

someitem = traffic.itervalues().next()
columns = list(someitem.keys())
print columns

When I run this it prints:

[u'medicoes', u'veiculos', u'coord', u'modalidade', u'sentido', u'local', u'pistas', u'regime']

You could use it with something like this:

import json
import sqlite3

db = sqlite3.connect('fluxos.sqlite')
traffic = json.load(open('xxx.json'))

someitem = traffic.itervalues().next()
columns = list(someitem.keys())

query = "insert into medicoes (timestamp,{0}) values (?{1})"
query = query.format(",".join(columns), ",?" * len(columns))
print query

for timestamp, data in traffic.iteritems():
    keys = (timestamp,) + tuple(data[c] for c in columns)
    c = db.cursor()

当我try 使用您的示例数据时,这段代码打印的查询如下:

insert into medicoes (timestamp,veiculos,coord,modalidade,sentido,local,pistas) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)


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