
  { 'id': 1, 'name': 'John'},
  { 'id': 2, 'name': 'Dani'}

val jArray = JsArray();
jArray += (("id", "1"), ("name", "John"))
jArray += (("id", "2"), ("name", "Dani"))

I need to be able to add rows to the jArray, something like jArray += ...




有很多种 Select .我没有按特定顺序列出它们,并附上注释:

  1. parsing.json.JSON - Warning this library is available only up to Scala version 2.9.x (removed in newer versions)
  2. spray-json-从喷雾项目中提取
  3. Jerkson±-Warning一个不错的库(建立在Java Jackson之上),但现在放弃了它.如果你要使用这个,可能要遵循滚烫项目的例子,使用backchat.io fork
  4. sjson - By Debasish Ghosh
  5. lift-json-可与电梯项目分开使用
  6. json4s ? § ± - An extraction from lift-json, which is attempting to create a standard JSON AST which other JSON libraries can use. Includes a Jackson-backed implementation
  7. Argonaut ? § - A FP-oriented JSON library for Scala, from the people behind Scalaz
  8. play-json ± - Now available standalone, see this answer for details
  9. dijon - A handy, safe and efficient JSON library, uses jsoniter-scala under hood.
  10. sonofjson-JSON库,旨在实现超级简单的API
  11. Jawn - JSON library by Erik Osheim aiming for Jackson-or-faster speed
  12. Rapture JSON±-一个JSON前端,可以使用2、4、5、6、7、11或Jackson作为后端
  13. circe ? - fork of Argonaut built on top of cats instead of scalaz
  14. jsoniter-scala - Scala macros for compile-time generation of ultra-fast JSON codecs
  15. jackson-module-scala-Jackson的附加模块,支持Scala特定的数据类型
  16. borer - Efficient CBOR and JSON (de)serialization in Scala

? = has not fixed security vulnerabilities, § = has Scalaz integration, ± = supports interop with Jackson JsonNode

In Snowplow we use json4s with the Jackson back-end; we've had good experiences with Argonaut too.







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