Every time I try to get some information about my video files with ffmpeg, it pukes a lot of useless information mixed with good things.

我用ffmpeg -i name_of_the_video.mpg.

There are any possibilities to get that in a friendly way? I mean JSON would be great (and even ugly XML is fine).


I wanted something like:

  "Stream 0": {
     "type": "Video",
     "codec": "h264",
     "resolution": "720x480"
  "Stream 1": {
     "type": "Audio",
     "bitrate": "128 kbps",
     "channels": 2



ffprobe is indeed an excellent way to go. Note, though, that you need to tell ffprobe what information you want it to display (with the -show_format, -show_packets and -show_streams options) or it'll just give you blank output (like you mention in one of your comments).

例如,ffprobe -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_streams somefile.asf将产生类似以下内容的结果:

  "streams": [{
    "index": 0,
    "codec_name": "wmv3",
    "codec_long_name": "Windows Media Video 9",
    "codec_type": "video",
    "codec_time_base": "1/1000",
    "codec_tag_string": "WMV3",
    "codec_tag": "0x33564d57",
    "width": 320,
    "height": 240,
    "has_b_frames": 0,
    "pix_fmt": "yuv420p",
    "level": -99,
    "r_frame_rate": "30000/1001",
    "avg_frame_rate": "0/0",
    "time_base": "1/1000",
    "start_time": "0.000",
    "duration": "300.066",
    "tags": {
        "language": "eng"
  "format": {
    "filename": "somefile.asf",
    "nb_streams": 1,
    "format_name": "asf",
    "format_long_name": "ASF format",
    "start_time": "0.000",
    "duration": "300.066",
    "tags": {
        "WMFSDKVersion": "",
        "WMFSDKNeeded": "",
        "IsVBR": "0"





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