I have some json I need to decode, alter and then encode without messing up any characters.

If I have a unicode character in a json string it will not decode. I'm not sure why since json.org says a string can contain: any-Unicode-character- except-"-or-\-or- control-character. But it doesn't work in python either.


I can use utf8_encode which will allow the string to be decoded with json_decode, however the character gets mangled into something else. This is the result from a print_r of the result array. Two characters.

[Tag] => Odómetro





$json = json_encode($array, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
Warning: json_encode() expects parameter 2 to be long, string ...


从你所说的一切来看,你正在处理的原始Odómetro字符串似乎是用ISO 8859-1编码的,而不是UTF-8.


  • json_encode produced parseable output after you ran the input string through utf8_encode, which converts from ISO 8859-1 to UTF-8.
  • 您确实说过,在执行utf8_encode之后使用print_r时,您得到了"损坏"的输出,但您得到的损坏输出实际上正是try 将UTF-8文本解析为ISO 8859-1时会发生的情况(UTF-8中的ó是\x63\xb3,但ISO 8859-1中的顺序是ó).
  • 你的htmlentities%迂回解决方案奏效了.htmlentities需要知道输入字符串的编码方式才能正常工作.如果不指定,则假定为ISO 8859-1.(令人困惑的是,html_entity_decode默认为UTF-8,因此您的方法具有从ISO 8859-1转换为UTF-8的效果.)
  • 你说你在Python中也遇到了同样的问题,这似乎排除了PHP的问题.

PHP will use the \uXXXX escaping, but as you noted, this is valid JSON.

So, it seems like you need to configure your connection to Postgres so that it will give you UTF-8 strings. The PHP manual indicates you'd do this by appending options='--client_encoding=UTF8' to the connection string. There's also the possibility that the data currently stored in the database is in the wrong encoding. (You could simply use utf8_encode, but this will only support characters that are part of ISO 8859-1).




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