我正试图严格化(…)Chrome中的一个对象,我一直收到一条"将循环 struct 转换为JSON"的消息,尽管事实上(据我所知)不存在这样的 struct .

I've been over the code a dozen times and can't find any circular references whatsoever. Is there any way to get Chrome to tell me what it's bitching about beyond this painfully useless error message?




console.log(the object); 

replacing 'the object' with the object you are passing to JSON.stringify()

插入 this line before the JSON.stringify call

and look in the console log (shift control J) for the object. In the console log the object will be tagged with a ">" symbol which can be clicked to expand to the fields.

It is complaining about an object that has pointers into itself, like this kind of object:

A = [];
A[0] = A; 
JSON.stringify(A); // circular error


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