I have a REST Json API that returns a list "logbooks". There are many types of logbooks that implement different but similar behavior. The server side implementation of this on the Database layer is a sort of Single Table Inheritance, so each JSON representation of a logbook contains its "type" :

  {"type": "ULM", "name": "My uml logbook", ... , specific_uml_logbook_attr: ...},
  {"type": "Plane", "name": "My plane logbook", ... , specific_plane_logbook_attr: ...}


class Logbook extends Backbone.Model

class UmlLogbook extends Logbook

class PlaneLogbook extends Logbook


My Backbone.Collection is a set of Logbook models that i use to query the JSON API :

class LogbookCollection extends Backbone.Collection
  model: Logbook
  url: "/api/logbooks"

When I fetch the logbook collection, is there a way to cast each Logbook to its corresponding sub class (based on the JSON "type" attribute) ?


There is indeed.

When you call 'fetch' on a collection, it passes the response through Backbone.Collection.parse before adding it to the collection.

The default implementation of 'parse' just passes the response through, as is, but you can override it to return a list of models to be added to the collection:

class Logbooks extends Backbone.Collection

  model: Logbook

  url: 'api/logbooks'

  parse: (resp, xhr) ->
    _(resp).map (attrs) ->
      switch attrs.type
        when 'UML' then new UmlLogbook attrs
        when 'Plane' then new PLaneLogbook attrs

EDIT: whoa, idbentley got there before me. the only difference being he used 'each' and I used 'map'. Both will work, but differently.




EDIT AGAIN: just realized there's also another way to do this:

The 'model' attribute on a collection is there only so the collection knows how to make a new model if it's passed attributes in 'add', 'create' or 'reset'. So you could do something like:

class Logbooks extends Backbone.Collection

  model: (attrs, options) ->
    switch attrs.type
      when 'UML' then new UmlLogbook attrs, options
      when 'Plane' then new PLaneLogbook attrs, options
      # should probably add an 'else' here so there's a default if,
      # say, no attrs are provided to a Logbooks.create call

  url: 'api/logbooks'

The advantage of this is that the collection will now know how to 'cast' the right subclass of Logbook for operations other than 'fetch'.








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