I have a lamba function to copy objects from bucket 'A' to bucket 'B', and everything was working fine, until and object with name 'New Text Document.txt' was created in bucket 'A', the json that gets built in S3 event, key as "key": "New+Text+Document.txt".

空格已替换为"+".我知道这是一个已知的问题,通过在网络上搜索. 但是我不确定如何修复这个问题,并且传入的json本身有一个‘+’,而‘+’实际上可以在文件名中.如‘New+Text Document.txt’.

So I cannot blindly have logic to space '+' by ' ' in my lambda function.

由于此问题,当代码try 在存储桶中查找文件时,它无法找到它.



What I have done to fix this is

java.net.URLDecoder.decode(b.getS3().getObject().getKey(), "UTF-8")

    "Records": [
            "s3": {
                "object": {
                    "key": "New+Text+Document.txt"


This has fixed my issue, please suggest if this is very correct solution. Will there be any corner case that can break my implementation.



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