Here is my JSON

    "id": 1,
    "user": {
        "user_name": "Tester",
        "real_info": {
            "full_name":"Jon Doe"
    "reviews_count": [
            "count": 4

Here is the structure I want it saved to (incomplete)

struct ServerResponse: Decodable {
    var id: String
    var username: String
    var fullName: String
    var reviewCount: Int

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
       case id, 
       // How do i get nested values?

I have looked at Apple's Documentation on decoding nested structs, but I still do not understand how to do the different levels of the JSON properly. Any help will be much appreciated.


另一种方法是创建一个与JSON紧密匹配的中间模型(借助quicktype.io这样的工具),让Swift生成解码方法,然后在最终的数据模型中 Select 所需的部分:

// snake_case to match the JSON and hence no need to write CodingKey enums / struct
fileprivate struct RawServerResponse: Decodable {
    struct User: Decodable {
        var user_name: String
        var real_info: UserRealInfo

    struct UserRealInfo: Decodable {
        var full_name: String

    struct Review: Decodable {
        var count: Int

    var id: Int
    var user: User
    var reviews_count: [Review]

struct ServerResponse: Decodable {
    var id: String
    var username: String
    var fullName: String
    var reviewCount: Int

    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let rawResponse = try RawServerResponse(from: decoder)

        // Now you can pick items that are important to your data model,
        // conveniently decoded into a Swift structure
        id = String(
        username = rawResponse.user.user_name
        fullName = rawResponse.user.real_info.full_name
        reviewCount = rawResponse.reviews_count.first!.count

This also allows you to easily iterate through reviews_count, should it contain more than 1 value in the future.



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