我在ASP中遇到了一个小问题.NET 4,使用C#.我正在try 创建一个前端GUI,通过多个Web API发送和接收数据.拥有多个API的原因与我们的网络有关,它由几个安全区域组成.服务器位于不同的区域,一个简单的请求可能需要通过多达3个不同的API.

Specifically, I'm sending a JSON object from the GUI to the first API. The JSON object is supposed to be forwarded to the next API and the next - and from there a new JSON object is created and returned down the same path.



Hey! I am a string, or a JSON object of sorts!

API之间的第一个 skip 给了我:

"Hey! I am a string, or a JSON object of sorts!"

After the next hop it looks like this:

"\"Hey! I am a string, or a JSON object of sorts!\""


"\"\\\"Hey! I am a string, or a JSON object of sorts!\\\"\""

This is where parsing fails, for obvious reasons. The JSON object itself is properly formatted, but all the quotes are causing problems for the JSON.net parser (all quotes inside the object are also wrapped multiple times).

到目前为止,我try 的是将请求作为application/json类型和text/Plain类型发送.两个人都做了同样的事情.API返回HttpResponseMessage,使用ReadAsStringAsync()读取.我还试图避免字符串读取,只是直接从HttpRequestMessage读取到HttpResponseMessage,并且只在GUI中执行ReadAsStringAsync(),但问题仍然存在.使用JSON.net Serialize()-method创建JSON字符串,并使用StringContent()将其放入HttpContent.这似乎正确地完成了工作.我相信引号是在API和GUI接收到HttpResponseMessage时生成的.

Any idea how I can send and receive the JSON string as a raw string, that is not treated in any way?


To clarify (TLDR): The ideal solution would be for the API's to simply pass along the message without parsing or reading anything into it. As long as the source of the message is authorized, the request is encrypted and the requested URL is valid, the message itself doesn't matter much to each of the "proxy" API's.


After MUCH research, I finally figured this one out.


The problem, as it turns out, was actually that we were using a mix of the "native" MVC serialization methods and JSON.net's methods. Either one by itself is fine, and provides a clean passthrough of all API's. If, however, we would combine serialized data from both native methods and JSON.net-methods, the API's further down the chain would not be able to recognize the formatting and incorrectly assume that the content should be serialized again (using native methods).



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