Given a JSON stream of the following form:

{ "a": 10, "b": 11 } { "a": 20, "b": 21 } { "a": 30, "b": 31 }


{ "a": 60, "b": 63 }

I'm guessing this will probably require flattening the above list of objects into a an array of [name, value] pairs and then summing the values using reduce but the documentation of the syntax for using reduce is woeful.


Unless your jq has inputs, you will have to slurp the objects up using the -s flag. Then you'll have to do a fair amount of manipulation:

  1. Each of the objects needs to be mapped out to key/value pairs
  2. 将对展平为单个数组
  3. 按键分组
  4. 将每个组的值累加到一个键/值对上
  5. Map the pairs back to an object
    | add
    | group_by(.key)
    | map({
          key: .[0].key,
          value: map(.value) | add
    | from_entries

With jq 1.5, this could be greatly improved: You can do away with slurping and just read the inputs directly.

$ jq -n '
reduce (inputs | to_entries[]) as {$key,$value} ({}; .[$key] += $value)
' input.json

Since we're simply accumulating all the values in each of the objects, it'll be easier to just run through the key/value pairs of all the inputs, and add them all up.




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