
The class is a simple class having fields that are only integers, strings, and floats, and inherits similar fields from one parent superclass, e.g.:

class ParentClass:
  def __init__(self, foo):
     self.foo = foo

class ChildClass(ParentClass):
  def __init__(self, foo, bar):
     ParentClass.__init__(self, foo)
     self.bar = bar

bar1 = ChildClass(my_foo, my_bar)
bar2 = ChildClass(my_foo, my_bar)
my_list_of_objects = [bar1, bar2]
simplejson.dump(my_list_of_objects, my_filename)

where foo, bar are simple types like I mentioned above. The only tricky thing is that ChildClass sometimes has a field that refers to another object (of a type that is not ParentClass or ChildClass).

What is the easiest way to serialize this as a json object with simplejson? Is it sufficient to make it serializable as a dictionary? Is the best way to simply write a dict method for ChildClass? Finally, does having the field that refer to another object significantly complicate things? If so, I can rewrite my code to only have simple fields in classes (like strings/floats etc.)

thank you.


I've used this strategy in the past and been pretty happy with it: Encode your custom objects as JSON object literals (like Python dicts) with the following structure:

{ '__ClassName__': { ... } }


编码器和解码器的一个非常简单的实现(简化self 实际使用的代码)如下所示:

TYPES = { 'ParentClass': ParentClass,
          'ChildClass': ChildClass }

class CustomTypeEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    """A custom JSONEncoder class that knows how to encode core custom

    Custom objects are encoded as JSON object literals (ie, dicts) with
    one key, '__TypeName__' where 'TypeName' is the actual name of the
    type to which the object belongs.  That single key maps to another
    object literal which is just the __dict__ of the object encoded."""

    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, TYPES.values()):
            key = '__%s__' % obj.__class__.__name__
            return { key: obj.__dict__ }
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

def CustomTypeDecoder(dct):
    if len(dct) == 1:
        type_name, value = dct.items()[0]
        type_name = type_name.strip('_')
        if type_name in TYPES:
            return TYPES[type_name].from_dict(value)
    return dct


It's easy to expand the encoder and decoder to support custom types (e.g. datetime objects).


class ChildClass(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.foo = 'foo'
        self.bar = 1.1
        self.parent = ParentClass(1)

That should result in JSON something like the following:

{ '__ChildClass__': {
    'bar': 1.1,
    'foo': 'foo',
    'parent': {
        '__ParentClass__': {
            'foo': 1}


将json数组反序列化为选项 struct



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