I receive this response from a POST request using $.ajax():

{"command": 6,"log_size":50,"log":[
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0D","ti": 1047161877,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": " __START__","sensors": "00","ti": 0000011410,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0A","ti": 0000011411,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0B","ti": 0000011411,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0D","ti": 0000011412,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": " __START__","sensors": "00","ti": 1047215799,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0A","ti": 1047215799,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": " __START__","sensors": "00","ti": 1047218051,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0D","ti": 0000002598,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0B","ti": 1047068795,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0D","ti": 1047068796,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0A","ti": 1047071223,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0B","ti": 1047071224,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0D","ti": 1047071225,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0A","ti": 0000000010,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0D","ti": 0000000012,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0C","ti": 1047130533,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0A","ti": 0000000026,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0A","ti": 0000000180,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0B","ti": 0000000206,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "09","ti": 0000000212,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "08","ti": 0000000383,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": " __START__","sensors": "00","ti": 0000001562,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0A","ti": 0000001563,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0B","ti": 0000001564,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0D","ti": 1047161632,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": " __START__","sensors": "00","ti": 1047161875,"to": 0},
    {"type": 30,"tag": "*NETEVENT*","sensors": "0B","ti": 1047161876,"to": 0}

For IE works fine, in Chrome appears "Syntax error: unexpected number" and in Firefox the message is "SyntaxError: JSON.parse: expected ',' or '}' after property value in object"

In various online JSON parsers and validators the format of the response seems to be OK, but in firefox and chrome not works.



A number can't start with a not significative 0.

无效:"ti": 0000011410

From JSON.org :


您应该在源代码中修复它,但是如果您不能,assuming your JSON is always similar to this one(字符串中没有数字),那么您可能可以使用正则表达式来修复它:

var obj = JSON.parse(str.replace(/ 0+(?![\. }])/g, ' '));

You can't even here use the evil eval because "0000011410" would be parsed as a octal :

console.log(eval('({"ti": 0000011410})'));


{ti: 4872}



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