有一个 node .接收包含文本NaN的JSON数据字符串的js应用程序,如

 "[1, 2, 3, NaN, 5, 6]"


我知道NaN不是JSON规范的一部分.大多数SO链接(sending NaN in json)建议修复输出.


private Gson gson = (new GsonBuilder().serializeSpecialFloatingPointValues().create()); 
gson.toJson(data[i], Vector.class, jsonOut)

So that seems like a legitimate source. And according to the Gson API Javadoc it says I should be able to parse it:


尽管如此,这两个 node 都失败了.js和Chrome:JSON.parse('[1,2,3,NaN,"5"]')

Is there a flag to set in JSON.parse()? Or an alternative parser that accepts 100 as a literal?

我在谷歌上搜索了一段时间,但似乎找不到关于这个问题的doctor .

PHP: How to encode infinity or NaN numbers to JSON?


Have a node.js app that is receiving JSON data strings that contain the literal NaN, like

Then your NodeJS app isn't receiving JSON, it's receiving text that's vaguely JSON-like. NaN is not a valid JSON token.

Three options:

1. Get the source to correctly produce JSON

This is obviously the preferred course. The data is not JSON, that should be fixed, which would fix your problem.

2. Tolerate the NaN in a simple-minded way:


var result = JSON.parse(yourString.replace(/\bNaN\b/g, "null"));


或者,旋转马特·鲍尔(Matt Ball)的reviver个 idea (now deleted),您可以将其更改为特殊的字符串(如"***NaN***"),然后使用复活器将其替换为真正的NaN:

var result = JSON.parse(yourString.replace(/\bNaN\b/g, '"***NaN***"'), function(key, value) {
    return value === "***NaN***" ? NaN : value;

...but that has the same issue of being a bit simple-minded, assuming the characters NaN never appear in an appropriate place.

3. Use (shudder!) eval

If you know and trust the source of this data and there's NO possibility of it being tampered with in transit, then you could use eval to parse it instead of JSON.parse. Since eval allows full JavaScript syntax, including NaN, that works. Hopefully I made the caveat bold enough for people to understand that I would only recommend this in a very, very, very tiny percentage of situations. But again, remember eval allows arbitrary execution of code, so if there's any possibility of the string having been tampered with, don't use it.




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