
{firstName: "Bjarne", lastName: "Fisk"}


fullName: function() { return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName; }


var personData = {firstName: "Bjarne", lastName: "Fisk"};
var person = PROFIT(personData);
person.fullName(); // => "Bjarne Fisk"

What I basically would want to do here, is to add a method to the object's prototype. The fullName() method is general, so should not be added to the data object itself. Like..:

personData.fullName = function() { return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName; }

... 会导致大量冗余;而且可以说是"污染"了数据对象.



Slightly off topic, but if the problem above can be solved, it would be possible to do some nice pseudo-pattern matching like this:

if ( p = Person(data) ) {
} else if ( d = Dog(data) ) {
   console.log("I'm a dog lol. Hear me bark: "+d.bark());
} else {
   throw new Exception("Shitty object");

Person and Dog will add the methods if the data object has the right attributes. If not, return falsy (ie. data does not match/conform).

BONUS QUESTION: Does anyone know of a library that either uses or enables this (ie makes it easy)? Is it already a javascript pattern? If so, what is it called; and do you have a link that elaborates? Thanks :)


Assuming your Object comes from some JSON library that parses the server output to generate an Object, it will not in general have anything particular in its prototype ; and two objects generated for different server responses will not share a prototype chain (besides Object.prototype, of course ;) )


var p = { first : "John", last : "Doe"};

function Person(data) {
   _.extend(this, data);

Person.prototype.fullName = function() {
   return this.first + " " + this.last;   

console.debug(new Person(p).fullName());


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