

$http.get('something.json').success(function(response) {
   var data = examineJSONResponse(response);
   //do the data stuff

This works and the examineJSONResponse takes a look at the code and if there is something wrong then it throws an exception and reloads the page using window.location.href.

Is there any way that I can automate this within AngularJS so that each time a $http call is made then it checks this and ONLY returns the data variable contents as the JSON response?


You can intercept responses by adding an interceptor to $httpProvider.interceptors with Angular 1.1.4+ (see documentation here search for interceptors).

For a specific content type like json you can potentially reject changes or throw an exception even if the call was a success. You can modify the response.data that will get passed to your controller code as well here:

myModule.factory('myHttpInterceptor', function ($q) {
    return {
        response: function (response) {
            // do something on success
            if(response.headers()['content-type'] === "application/json; charset=utf-8"){
                // Validate response, if not ok reject
                var data = examineJSONResponse(response); // assumes this function is available

                    return $q.reject(response);
            return response;
        responseError: function (response) {
            // do something on error
            return $q.reject(response);
myModule.config(function ($httpProvider) {

NOTE:以下是1.1.4之前版本的原始答案(responseInterceptors个版本被Angular 1.1.4弃用):

Maybe there's a better way but I think you can do something similar to this post with the http response interceptor (described here) (for a specific content type like json) where you potentially reject changes or throw an exception even though the call was a success. You can modify the response.data that will get passed to your controller code as well here.

myModule.factory('myHttpInterceptor', function ($q) {
    return function (promise) {
        return promise.then(function (response) {
            // do something on success
            if(response.headers()['content-type'] === "application/json; charset=utf-8"){
                // Validate response if not ok reject
                var data = examineJSONResponse(response); // assumes this function is available

                    return $q.reject(response);
            return response;
        }, function (response) {
            // do something on error
            return $q.reject(response);
myModule.config(function ($httpProvider) {





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